
See the full user guide for detailed information about requests.

FAQ Updated July 22, 2013

Why am I asked for a password when I try to create a request? What password do I use?
The password you enter for a request will allow you to access the requested documents when your request is approved. You may use any password of your own choosing, but endeavor to make it something memorable or write it down. It is also recommended (but not required) that you choose a strong password, to most effectively prevent illegal access.
What do I do if I've lost or forgotten the password I supplied for a request?
Contact District Records. You can reach them by phone at 780-497-7489 or by email at Please have the particulars of the request ready so that they can assist you as efficiently as possible.
My school is missing from those available. How do I get my school added?
Email Central Records with the particulars of your school. You will need to provide the province, city, school name, telephone number and email address for the school. Please use this link to generate an email template to facilitate the school addition process:
How do you verify my identity? How do you ensure that the requested documents are received only by me?
When a request is submitted, it is validated against all of the information in the request: School, ASN, Student Surname, DOB, etc.. Upon request approval, a link to the requested documents will be sent to the email address we have on record for your school, which will be shown when you select the school in the request submission process. This link is only accessible with a special request-specific key that is generated upon request approval. Finally, the password you entered during the request submission process will be required to access the documents.
Entering one request at a time is tedious, is there a way I can make one request for multiple students?
At this time only one student per request is allowed. However, if you click "New Request" immediately after submitting a request, some of the basic information (School, Contact Name) will be preserved, allowing you to skip entering that information for every new request.
I noticed that there is an expiry date on my request. What does this mean?
Approved requests are active for exactly ten (10) days only. The expiry date is the date that the request becomes inaccessible. If you missed this window, a new request must be submitted.
My request was approved, but when I tried to download the documents I received an error about my IP address. Why can't I download the documents?
This is a security measure that attempts to prevent documents from being downloaded by someone who should not be seeing them. After documents have been downloaded, the IP address of the computer used to download the documents is recorded. If a different computer (IP address) then attempts download the documents, the system will deny them access. If you are certain that you have not downloaded the documents before (on a different computer), please notify Central Records immediately.